Saturday, September 12, 2015

What is "Help Azaria Help the World"?

Azaria is a 9 year old girl with Autism. Already, at a young age, she has the overwhelming desire to help the world. Azaria is the founder of the "Brown Bag Lunch Project". Her goal is to provide children with a guaranteed meal on the weekends. We are currently working locally, within Manatee County, FL, but Azaria hopes to eventually help set up similar programs throughout the United States. 

Azaria has always been a very kind and compassionate child. During 2014, when she was just 7 and 8 years old, she started becoming increasingly concerned with the amount of children in her school that revealed that they sometimes were unable to eat when they were hungry on the weekend (because their parents didn't have money). Azaria began formulating a plan to help. Although Azaria has issues with expressing herself and many issues with reading and writing, she managed to put together her "plan" and bring it to me for consideration. She began with "Mommy, I believe to help the world, we have to help the children". With her opening line, she had me convinced that we should work on her plan.

Now, as you can imagine, a plan drawn up by a 9 year old is bound to have holes in it. We took time to work out the issues and are now ready to begin. We began spreading Azaria's mission via my personal social media accounts linking everything to the hashtags #HelpAzaria #HelptheWorld. In one week we have received donations of 2 jars of peanut butter, 3 containers of jelly, and 4 boxes of fruit snacks! Not bad, eh? Azaria is so excited to begin helping those around her that she can barely contain herself! Now we are trying to spread the message to a wider audience. 

If you are interested in doating to Azaria's cause, all donations can be sent to:

Azaria Napoli
P.O. Box 1806
Tallevast, FL 34270-1806

Azaria is looking for donations of peanut butter, jelly, fruit, snacks, and bread or gift cards to local grocery stores.

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